Welcome to the Scotland China Association website
Who are we?
你好 and welcome to the SCA website, where you can find out more about the association, our forthcoming programme of events in Edinburgh and Glasgow and details of other China-related events across Scotland. We hope you enjoy your visit and, if you’re not already a member, we would love for you to get involved !
The Scotland-China Association (SCA) was founded in 1966. It is a non-profit, non-political and non-sectarian organisation for people who have an interest in all aspects of Chinese life and civilisation. The SCA holds a wide range of events in Glasgow and Edinburgh to foster friendship and understanding between the people of Scotland and China.
We are a voluntary organisation and depend on the subscriptions and support of our members to finance our monthly meetings and other activities, this website, and the publication of our magazine Sine. You are very welcome to join us. For a membership application, see this page
Special Notice
In view of the current Covid-19 pandemic, the SCA’s board members have decided that all SCA activities should be suspended until further notice. This includes the National AGM on 6 June.
Unfortunately, it has not been practical to organise our remaining meetings of 2019-20 online, and these will be postponed for the time being. We hope to resume our regular activities and the publication of Sine as soon as it is safe and convenient to do so. In the meantime, we are suggesting a few China-related online activities arranged by other organisations which, in some cases, we are partnering. We hope that you are able to access these events and find them enjoyable and stimulating.
We wish you all good health and look forward to seeing you when the pandemic is over.
The Asia Scotland Institute has been providing on Zoom a series of free webinars on South and East Asia, many of them relating to China. Go to the ASI website for details: http://www.asiascot.com/events/ . At present you will have to request to join. Public group coming soon.
The “Latest Postings” section, provides quick links to some of the most recent major articles on the site.
We now have a Facebook Group. See https://www.facebook.com/groups/1206228906502797. At present, you will have to ask to join. Public group coming soon.